Good morning. Welcome aboard. This way, pls.
Thank you. Stewardess, can you direct me to my seat?
Certainly, may I see your boarding pass, pls?
Sure, here it is.
May I see your boarding pass, sir?
Yes. Where is ….51-F?
Go straight to the back, sir. Another stewardess will help you.
Thank you.
Excuse me, miss. My wife and I were assighed separate seats. Do you have any empty seats together somewhere?
Would you wait a moment, please? I’ll check for you. (later) sir, we have some seats available in the back of the cabin. Would that be all right?
Yes, tks. May I use the lavatory now?
Sir, could you wait until after we take off? We’ll be leaving very shortly.
26 September 2015
Checking Luggage
Thank you. Just a moment, pls…. you’re going through to Kuala Lumpur, is that right, ma’am?
Yes, that’s correct.
Would you like me to check your baggage through to your destination, ma’am?
Yes, please.
May I help you, sir?
Yes, I’m here to check in for your flight to LA. Here are my ticket and passport.
Thank you. Please put your suitcase here, sir.
I’d like to have these checked through to LA.
How long will you be staying in LA?
Just a couple of days. I won’t be needing the luggage in LA.
I’m sorry, sir. But we cannot check your luggage through to Tokyo if you have more than 24 hours between connecting flights.
Oh, I see. Well, I can put them in the airport storage, then.
Any luggage to check?
Yes, these three pieces.
Please put them on the scale.
Yes, that’s correct.
Would you like me to check your baggage through to your destination, ma’am?
Yes, please.
May I help you, sir?
Yes, I’m here to check in for your flight to LA. Here are my ticket and passport.
Thank you. Please put your suitcase here, sir.
I’d like to have these checked through to LA.
How long will you be staying in LA?
Just a couple of days. I won’t be needing the luggage in LA.
I’m sorry, sir. But we cannot check your luggage through to Tokyo if you have more than 24 hours between connecting flights.
Oh, I see. Well, I can put them in the airport storage, then.
Any luggage to check?
Yes, these three pieces.
Please put them on the scale.
Airline passenger services
Airlines employ the largest number of workers at most commercial airports, and most of their employees work in the terminal buildings. Ticket counter employees sell tickers, check in passengers who already have tickets, and provide information about the times and gates for flight arrivals and departures. Most airlines have computer systems that quickly print tickets and check for vacancies on flights.
Ticket counter workers also check in passenger’s baggage. Baggage handlers see that baggage is loaded on the correct flights. After a plane reaches it’s destination, handlers unload bags and transport them to the baggage claim area.
Other airline workers include an airline station manager, who oversees passenger services, and reservations agents, who keep records of flight reservations. The dispatch staff maintains contact with planes in the air and with other airports that serve the airline
Ticket counter workers also check in passenger’s baggage. Baggage handlers see that baggage is loaded on the correct flights. After a plane reaches it’s destination, handlers unload bags and transport them to the baggage claim area.
Other airline workers include an airline station manager, who oversees passenger services, and reservations agents, who keep records of flight reservations. The dispatch staff maintains contact with planes in the air and with other airports that serve the airline
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24 September 2015
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